Smiling Ripley.

Keep on Counting!

One, Two, Three…

Keep On Counting!

Hey, guess what? There is a modern version of last week’s post. (That one featured the old Count your Blessings hymn from yesteryear.) I am exited to share with you this new one today! It’s called Counting my Blessings, presented by Seph Schlueter. So let’s keep it up. Let’s keep on counting.

We are so blessed, in so many, many ways. Just this morning a letter from a Through the Bible listener in Thailand reminded me of my vast blessings. Ones I take for granted. Ones I would sorely miss.

TTB’s daily prayer guide shares letters from real human beings around the globe. These letters are humbling, eye-opening, and instructive. Today’s letter comes from 83-year old Mr. L in Thailand, where 1% of the population know Christ. In his village, most do not read.

Mr. L shared his gratitude for the audio teaching, explaining how useful they are, since most cannot read at a high enough level to study the Word for themselves.

Oh, my friend, how blessed you are today, if you can open the Book and read it for yourself! May God increase in us a deep and abiding longing for Himself, and a desire to please Him above all.

Let us take the time to regard this Holy God of ours, and open the pages of his Book. May we grow in Him, abide n Him, and bless His Name.

Let us use the many blessings we are given to further His kingdom here on earth, bring Him joy, and increase ours, as well.

Let’s read and worship, while today is still called “today”!

Written by Jordan Douglas Sapp, Jonathan Conrad Gamble, and Seph Schlueter, today’s Practice of Praise was released just last year. (Album: Counting My Blessings (Acoustic) – Single, Released: 2023.)

The song is a prayer, where the singer admits that he can’t even count high enough to name all the blessings from above. He will have to keep on counting!


God, I’m still counting my blessings
All that You’ve done in my life
The more that I look in the details
The more of Your goodness I find
Father on this side of Heaven
I know that I’ll run out of time
But I will keep counting my blessings
Knowing I can’t count that high.

Counting My Blessings

Today’s song has been added it to the Salty Soundgirl playlist, so go ahead and click here. This song will play first, and after that, all the songs on this site will play, filling your room with worship, one right after the other.

God Bless!

Seph Schlueter – Counting My Blessings (Lyric Video)